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Following successful launches in Miami and Los Angeles, Victoria Jancke is expanding Grow & Glow to Germany and other U.S. cities, including New York. These transformative events are designed to build a strong community of supportive women.

Grow & Glow events focus on creating spaces where women can come together to heal, support each other, and foster personal growth. Through intimate workshops, women’s circles, and retreats, participants engage in meaningful discussions and activities that promote empowerment and connection.

The events have gained significant attention, featuring coverage by international press and achieving substantial reach and success. By leveraging their collective influence, attendees raise awareness about crucial female issues and support charitable causes.

With a commitment to mutual support and collaboration, Grow & Glow aims to inspire and uplift women, helping them feel safe and empowered in their femininity while making a meaningful impact through charitable initiatives.

Grow & Glow Women’s Events